', {
'class' : newLinkClass,
'data-toggle' : 'collapse',
'data-parent' : '#collapse-' + $tabGroup.attr( 'id' ),
'href' : '#' + newHash,
'html' : $this.html()
} )
$( '', {
'id' : newHash,
'class' : 'accordion-body collapse' + active
} )
} );
$tabGroup.next().after( collapseDiv );
$tabGroup.addClass( hidden );
$( '.tab-content.responsive' ).addClass( hidden );
} );
fakewaffle.checkResize = function () {
if ( $( '.accordion.responsive' ).is( ':visible' ) === true && fakewaffle.currentPosition === 'tabs' ) {
fakewaffle.currentPosition = 'panel';
} else if ( $( '.accordion.responsive' ).is( ':visible' ) === false && fakewaffle.currentPosition === 'panel' ) {
fakewaffle.currentPosition = 'tabs';
fakewaffle.tabToPanel = function () {
var tabGroups = $( '.nav-tabs.responsive' );
$.each( tabGroups, function ( index, tabGroup ) {
// Find the tab
var tabContents = $( tabGroup ).next( '.tab-content' ).find( '.tab-pane' );
$.each( tabContents, function ( index, tabContent ) {
// Find the id to move the element to
var destinationId = $( tabContent ).attr( 'id' ).replace ( /^/, '#collapse-' );
// Convert tab to panel and move to destination
$( tabContent )
.removeClass( 'tab-pane' )
.addClass( 'accordion-inner' )
.appendTo( $( destinationId ) );
} );
} );
fakewaffle.panelToTab = function () {
var panelGroups = $( '.accordion.responsive' );
$.each( panelGroups, function ( index, panelGroup ) {
var destinationId = $( panelGroup ).attr( 'id' ).replace( 'collapse-', '#' );
var destination = $( destinationId ).next( '.tab-content' )[ 0 ];
// Find the panel contents
var panelContents = $( panelGroup ).find( '.accordion-inner' );
// Convert to tab and move to destination
.removeClass( 'accordion-inner' )
.addClass( 'tab-pane' )
.appendTo( $( destination ) );
} );
fakewaffle.bindTabToCollapse = function () {
var tabs = $( '.nav-tabs.responsive' ).find( 'li a' );
var collapse = $( '.accordion.responsive' ).find( '.accordion-body' );
tabs.on( 'shown', function ( e ) {
var $current = $( e.currentTarget.hash.replace( /#/, '#collapse-' ) );
// manually open
if ( !$current.hasClass( 'in' ) ) {
$current.addClass( 'in' ).height( 'auto' );
// manually collapse
if ( e.relatedTarget ) {
var $previous = $( e.relatedTarget.hash.replace( /#/, '#collapse-' ) );
$previous.removeClass( 'in' ).height( '0px' );
} );
collapse.on( 'shown', function ( e ) {
// Activate current tabs
var current = e.target.id.replace( /collapse-/g, '#' );
$( 'a[href="' + current + '"]' ).tab( 'show' );
// Update the content with active
var panelGroup = $( e.currentTarget ).closest( '.accordion.responsive' );
$( panelGroup ).find( '.accordion-inner' ).removeClass( 'active' );
$( e.currentTarget ).find( '.accordion-inner' ).addClass( 'active' );
} );
$( window ).resize( function () {
} );
return fakewaffle;
}( window.jQuery, fakewaffle || { } ) );